Stax Music Academy offers new-look workforce development program for careers in music, entertainment

What’s happening: If it’s broke, don’t fix it – or in the case of Stax Music Academy, learn from your success and make it even better. That’s what the after-school and summer music institute has decided to do with their already successful workforce development program Music Works, which relaunches this month as Music Employs.

Backline: The Stax Music Academy, a service of the Soulsville Foundation, first launched their Music Works workforce development program in the fall of 2022. The program prepares students, ranging from the 5th grade through the age of 25, for what it takes to enter the workforce in the arts and entertainment field.

Why it’s important: The program secured 196 gig-based job placements for students and alumni in its first year, and secured 116 gig-based job placements in the first quarter of FY24.

What it’s becoming: Music Works transitions to Music Employs as Stax Music Academy (SMA) expands the program and tightens its focus on youth development and workforce readiness. Music Employs will both prepare students for careers in arts and entertainment, but also provide pathways to furthering their education with industry and community partners. SMA intends to expand capacity from 30 students enrolled in FY25 to 60 in FY26, and then 90 students enrolled in Music Employs in FY27.

How it works: A tiered certification program is built for students in the 8th through 12th grades, with students earning Novice, Intermediate, Advanced, and Senior Level Certificates along the way. Hands-on experience will be offered through an apprenticeship program offered in partnership with Live Nation Memphis. Professional certificates and accreditations will also be offered in concert with community partners, including the 1500 Academy, Crosstown Arts, Live Nation, the Shelby County Film Commission, and Ticketmaster.

Visit Stax Music Academy online to learn more about the Music Employs workforce development program.
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